🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here
🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here

🌱 Evergreen dwarf grass seed for four seasons | Create your perfect lawn here

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if(window.self === window.top) { (window.disabled_exts ||=[]).push('product_detail_rebate'); } class SpzRebateComponent extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); } xhr_ = SPZServices.xhrFor(this.win); viewport_ = this.getViewport(); action_ = null; lang = document.documentElement.lang || 'en-US'; landPage = "\/promotions\/rebate\/"; pageType = 1; cart = []; initData = null; rebateInfo = null; renderData = null; footerImage = `${this.win.SHOPLAZZA["image_domain"]}oss/operation/e8ebb03dbb710457ca3b4b6a70898ab2.svg`; isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } buildCallback() { this.initData = this.getProduct(); this.action_ = SPZServices.actionServiceForDoc(this.element); this.registerAction("triggerGetRenderData", () => { const event = SPZUtils.Event.create(this.win, "triggerGetRenderData", this.renderData); this.action_.trigger(this.element, "getRenderData", event); }); this.registerAction("bindPropagation", () => { document.querySelector(".product_detail_rebate_list").addEventListener("click", e => { e.stopPropagation(); 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🎁💐Don't forget to get some for your family and friends as it's a unique gift idea.
✅ Guaranteed! GoogleTrusted Store!
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🚢 Shipping>>Worldwide Express Shipping Available.
💵The merchant deposit of USD 100,000 has been paid to PayPal.

🌱make your lawn look new: easy to use and the perfect solution for homeowners with patchy lawns in need of repair.

🌱plant anywhere: it's quick and easy to use, grass grows wherever you scatter the seed.

🌱professional lawn care: it is a high quality seed with a 98% germination rate that blends in perfectly with your existing lawn.

🌱Can be sown on existing lawns: great for fixing dry spots, dog spots, high traffic areas and shady spots.

🌼Add a touch of elegance to your garden with these beautiful seeds 🌼.
Your neighbors will envy your pristine carpet of grass. You'll be the toast of the block at your next backyard BBQ or Leisure activities. A flawless lawn really makes your property pop!

Why should you choose our seeds?

🌱 Fast growth: Germinates in just 5 days and transforms your lawn into a green oasis.

🏡 Dense coverage: Uniform growth without bare patches, creating the perfect lawn.

💧 Drought and cold resistance: Strong adaptability ensures lush growth in different climates.
🌞 Year-round green: Retains its lush green color in both scorching hot summers and freezing winters.
🌱 Low maintenance: Thrives with minimal care, saving you time and effort.
👣 Tread resistance: Resistant roots and high-quality grass withstand all kinds of family activities.
💧 Water saving: Drought-resistant properties enable a lush lawn even in hot summers and help save water.

This is your ultimate solution for growing a vibrant lawn with minimal maintenance. This seed mix has been carefully selected to thrive in harsh environments, ensuring a green lawn all season long.

Super practical knowledge sharing about garden grass varieties, so you no longer have to worry about choosing grass.

Applicable scenes

Perfect for villa gardens and golf courses. Whether you want to enjoy your leisure time on the lawn or create a safe outdoor playground for children, our lawn grass seeds can meet your needs. Start your maintenance-free lawn journey now and rejuvenate your outdoor space!

How do you breed? 🌱

1. soil preparation: Use a hoe or rake to ensure a level, weed-free surface.

2. sowing: Spread the grass seeds evenly over the soil according to the instructions on the packaging.

3. ground cover: Rake the seeds carefully to ensure good soil contact.

4. watering: keep the soil moist but not waterlogged; water once or twice a day

Aspect Description
Seeding Method The process of preparing, seeding, and maintaining a lawn for optimal growth and coverage.
Land Preparation Digging and clearing the soil, removing debris, and ensuring a smooth surface for seed placement.
Maintenance Regular trimming of grass to increase density and prevent weed growth, with guidelines on frequency.
Seeding Mixing seeds with dry sand for uniform distribution, broadcasting them evenly, and covering lightly.
Watering Importance of prompt watering after seeding, recommended irrigation methods, and daily maintenance.
Sowing Season Suitable for planting throughout the year.
Growth Attributes Perennial lawn seeds that ensure long-term coverage and durability.
Plant Variety Lawn seeds designed for establishing lush, low-maintenance lawns.

🌟 Planting Seeds of Hope! 🌱 $1 Donated to UNICEF for Every Order.

At Garden-seed.com, we believe in the power of collective compassion. This New Year, as you embrace freshness and beauty, join us in making a positive impact on the lives of children in need.

❤️ For every purchase you make, a child in need gets a step closer to a brighter future.

How it Works?
Shop with Purpose: Every order you place contributes to our Seeds of Hope initiative. For each purchase, $1 will be donated to UNICEF.

Empower a Child: Your contribution helps provide education, healthcare, and support to children around the world. Together, we can make a meaningful difference.

🤝Be a Part of Something Beautiful:

❤️ Spread Love: Share the Seeds of Hope Campaign with your friends and family. Every share creates a ripple effect of kindness.

❤️ Tag Us: When you receive your order, share it on social media and tag us. We'll feature your posts and collectively celebrate the positive change we're making.

Join Us in Planting Seeds of Hope!
Let your purchase be more than just a transaction; let it be a gesture of love and hope for those who need it most. Together, we can sow the seeds of a brighter future.

🌟 Thank you for being a part of our Seeds of Hope Campaign! 🌟

Visit Garden-seed.com now to make your purchase with purpose!

Payment Security : SSL Encryption Technology Is Used To Ensure 100% Payment Security.

✅Payments Via PayPal®Debit and CreditCard.

Add to cart first, and Check out, then select Shipping method and Payment method.

If you checkout with a Debit / Credit Card, just enter your * Card Number* Expiration Date, and * Secure Code.

Dear Customer,

Purchase any product here and try it in the comfort of your own home for 30 days.
If for whatever reason you're not completely satisfied, then return the product within 30 days. Please contact our customer service team if you need to process a return for any reason, Please include your Order number and Name.

Worldwide Shipping 

Please do note that shipping is insured. However, you may receive your items earlier. Tracking Numbers will ALWAYS be sent so you can track it every step of the way! Cool things are worth waiting for! 😉
OUR GUARANTEE⭐📦 Insured Worldwide Shipping: Each order includes real-time tracking details and insurance coverage in the unlikely event that a package gets lost or stolen in transit.
💰Money-Back Guarantee:If your items arrive damaged within 15 days of normal usage, we will gladly issue out a replacement or refund.
✉️ 24/7 Customer Support: We have a team of live reps ready to help and answer any questions you have within a 24-hour time frame, 7 days a week. 
🔒 Safe & Secure Checkouts: If you bought it and felt that it is not for you, don't worry. Just shoot us a message at contact 📪info@owoseed.com, and we will make it right by offering you a replacement or refund. 100% Simple & Risk-Free process.